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I Want the Whole Gospel

by | May 4, 2009 | Focus on Living | 0 comments

This afternoon I spoke with a young woman who probably thinks I’m a little harsh in my approach to some of the issues we face within the church. She made the comment that she’s glad I am not God. Me too.

Unfortunately there is not a lot of difference between those who claim to follow Christ and those who follow their own path. The rates of everything from sleeping around to telling only a small lie is nearly the same.

As the very old Wendy’s commercial lamented – Where’s the Beef?

If there is no difference between me and my neighbor, how can I be light in his darkness? If I am inconsistent in my life, where is the credibility?

No one is perfect. Certainly not me. And the Book of James says that “we all stumble in many ways.” But there is never an excuse for winking at our failures within the church.

As individuals we have a responsibility and those in leadership have a responsibility to proclaim the truth. The Whole Truth.

Take a look at this post from James MacDonald:

“I Want the Whole Gospel

Every single ounce of truth; give it to me straight just like it is in the Bible.

I want the whole gospel:
Don’t dilute the living water—it might not quench my thirsty soul.

I want the whole gospel:
Turn on the light of Jesus Christ and don’t shield my view—I need every beam of His radiant glory to dispel the darkness in me.

I want the whole gospel:
Don’t block the door, or I might not get through.

I want the whole gospel:
I need an accurate map to the narrow road, because only a few are finding it.

I want the whole gospel:
Because I am wholly lost, God’s verdict is wholly just, and my damnation is wholly certain.
My heart is wholly depraved and my sin is wholly mine.
My efforts are wholly futile and my escapes are wholly hopeless.
I need a whole Savior, whose whole suffering, wholly satisfies a holy God.

Please, please don’t cut the corners. It’s appointed unto man once to die and I have to be sure I get it right.

I have to have the whole gospel—give it to me straight. Nothing else will do!

Yes…God help us, let’s give the whole gospel.”


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