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I want an answer….Now.

by | Jul 10, 2009 | Faith, Focus on Living | 1 comment

I don’t know about you, but I have some significant things I am praying about these days.

A friend of mine commented recently that prayer is the most aggressive thing we can do in some situations. If the God of the Universe intervenes that is certainly more than I can do. Ever. Yet sometimes I decide to jump in and help God out and it usually turns out to be similar to Abraham and Sarah helping God out on His promise of a son. Not such a good idea in retrospect.

I saw this post from James MacDonald earlier today and it reminded me of how God’s plan is much better than mine. Who do I trust? The video is worth eight plus minutes.

“Sometimes praying by faith can slip into demanding things from God and that is not good. Have you ever wanted something so bad that you prayed for it in a way that did damage to your own soul? ” James MacDonald

[vodpod id=Groupvideo.2925294&w=425&h=350&fv=]

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1 Comment

  1. jim

    I lost my mother Sunday morning, Marty, and just now have found time to listen to the tape. There is much truth, I believe, in what this fellow states here. Prayer, for me, long ago became more a case of simply laying my thoughts, my needs, my all…into an image of His hands outstretched and I’m content to leave things there. A friend of mine, a young pastor, preached recently on how compassion is a “connecting point” and he might well have been very close to a definition of what it takes to “enter into” prayer. I believe He always hears us, but there is also that place where “two become one” and, when that happens, one emerges, not always with knowledge of requests being answered, but always with knowledge of the load having been transfered…


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