A couple of weeks ago I heard a pastor in Washington, D.C. refer to love as an “accordion word”. I love strawberries. I love a good book. I love my wife. I love my family. The problem is that our english word for love often misses the mark. Do you cherish your family? Do you admire your family? Are you devoted to your family? Is your family your treasure?
Our families need to hear these words,but they also need to see the evidence of our commitment in the ways we live love.
What if someone told you that God loves you and that was the end of the conversation. You might respond with a “so what?” God loves me? Where’s the proof of that? The Bible does tells us that God loves us, but here’s how He demonstrated that love –
1 John 4:9
In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him.
God’s love is not some kind of abstract idea. He chose to love us.
Choosing to love our families is a life-changing choice. If you’ve already made that choice renew your commitment again. Today let us deliberately choose to express our love for our families by telling and showing them what matters most to us.