“More than other idols, personal success and achievement lead to a sense that we ourselves are god, that our security and value rest in our own wisdom, strength, and performance.”
Timothy Keller – Counterfeit Gods
A particular Hollywood actor has created a bit of a stir over the last couple of weeks and while his antics are hardly of any importance compared to the events going on in the real world, his description of “winning” provides one of the great contrasts to God’s view of winning.
While few – hopefully none – of us can identify with the actor’s distorted view of winning, most of us are susceptible to the cultural idol of success defined by winning. Winning on our own so that we trust in our own abilities means that we serve the god of success.
Winning by losing.
God defined success differently. The cross stood for shame. The cross was a cursed way to die. But, Christ’s death on the cross means that the world’s view of what is power and success is exposed for the counterfeit it is. On the Cross Christ wins through losing.
In our world the idol of success is very real. How can you escape the attraction of the idol of success? First, recognize that success can’t deliver on its promises to make your life worthwhile. Then you must replace your world view with God’s view of what matters.