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Power and Influence

by | Jul 21, 2011 | Christianity, Focus on Living | 0 comments

Several years ago I learned that a family watched a particular movie because of the fact I mentioned the movie as part of an illustration while teaching a group of high school students. Who am I that a decision would be made based on my opinion?

James 3:1 says, “we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.” The experience with that one family caused me to think carefully about what I say and how I conduct my life going forward.

Recently, I was part of a panel discussing some hotly debated topics within the church and I have been reminded again of the power our lives have to influence others in our community and in our family.

Over the last few weeks I have touched on sexual morality, heaven and hell, and this issues related to tobacco and alcohol. The Bible speaks clearly on drunkenness, but what about the person who chooses an occasional glass of wine with dinner? Does my stance on a hot topic affect others? What are the consequences of my actions whether intentional or not? Am I tearing others down or encouraging them in their faith?

The key is remaining faithful to Scripture and apply Biblical principles to life in 2011.

Therefore let us not pass judgment on one another any longer, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother…Romans 14:13

Am I living a surrendered life to Christ and considering the needs of others before myself?


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