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The Pathway to Hope

by | Mar 19, 2020 | Courage | 0 comments

Read: Galatians 6: 9-10

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.


Some people go into the furnace of life’s difficulties and are burned or consumed, while others are strengthened through the experience.

What’s the difference?

We all face discouragement from time to time, but what happens when discouragement becomes resentment?

Resentment cuts you off from others. While grace leads to unity and reconciliation, bitterness and anger lead to isolation. Because when you’re bitter, you separate yourself from whoever has wronged you. And so you’re left alone to wallow in your judgment of others, or profane living or, ultimately, disqualification.

On the other hand, we can face our discouragement with hope for the future that leads to a closeness with God resulting in a reflection of his holiness in our lives and in the end we’ll experience the revelation of what all our trials have meant as we shine our lights through our lives to the others around us. Consider this quote –

“Recently, the CEO of a company in NewYork called our church. The CEO told about two women from our church who work for him. He said they weren’t like the others in his office. These two women were always courteous, smiling, helpful to others, never complaining or backbiting. “There’s something different about them,” he said. “I would like to meet with you to find out what the difference is.”

The light they shone lit up the entire workplace. How? They had the life of Christin them. Their boss recognized it as something beyond what this world has to offer. This man responded to true light-a light born of lives hid in Christ, and being lived out daily by two humble women.” – David Wilkerson


Wilkerson went on to say that our lives are most effective when our “light shines through the little things of life.” Today, we have opportunities like never before to make a real difference in the lives around us. Maybe it is a grocery run you make for a neighbor or some other kindness that will brighten the life of someone today.


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