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Longing for the Hope of Light

by | Mar 31, 2020 | Focus on Living | 0 comments

Read: Romans 8:18-19

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God


While we were in Tunisia a few years ago, we heard from a young lady raised in a Muslim family who gave her life fully to Christ in 2004.

Her family noticed the change in her life but hoped that her new “faith” was only a phase. When it became obvious that she was truly changed her father confronted her and gave her younger brother permission to beat her and do anything necessary to bring her “back to her senses.”

At the time she told us her story, she was exiled from her father and while some of her family members have continued to have contact, but she is on the outside looking in.

How many of us have had to pay this kind of price for our faith in Christ?

In the verses above, Paul speaks of his firsthand challenges with pain and suffering thanks to his unwavering faith in Christ. Like Paul, this young lady has counted the cost as to what matters in the end….what she is looking forward to.


All of us are trying to make some sense of the current pain in our lives.  A virus has totally disrupted our lives and many of us are a little out of sync to say the list,

Can we follow Paul’s lead and we look forward today?


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