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by | Oct 27, 2020 | Invisible | 0 comments

and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.

Ephesians 6:15

How do you face a crisis? Do you panic? In the face of a crisis do you feel prepared? When I read the word readiness in the verse above I was reminded of the motto for the Royal Rangers scouting program in my church as a kid. While I might still be challenged to tie the right knot with a rope, I still remember those words:

“Ready: ready for anything: to work, play, serve, worship, live and obey God’s word.”

So, if we plan to be ready to stand in our spiritual battle, having the right kind of shoes is essential. Being ready with the gospel of peace has several implications.

First, through the gospel, we are at peace with God. Then we are able to live in peace with ourselves and we can also then present that same gospel to others in our lives.

The Gospel is simply the good news of God’s salvation from the sacrificial death and literal resurrection of Jesus Christ. Having that foundational knowledge gives us the confidence to face the crisis and stand in the spiritual fight.


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