A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger.
Proverbs 15:1
Too often, I think we misinterpret the word gentleness to mean a person who is weak, mild-mannered, -milquetoast. We associate the word with a timid, spineless kind of person. Nothing could be further from the truth.
When Paul used the term gentleness in his description of the fruit of the Spirit, the word could be defined with the phrase “power under control.”
We’ve all seen the impact and power of water – the uncontrolled power of a flash flood. Last year Patrina and I spent a day in San Antonio and much of our day was on the River Walk. At one time the power of the San Antonio River had flooded the city, but now it is under control and people from all over the world can enjoy the water under control.
Consider the power of our words. In this election year, we have heard and will hear many more contentious words. Words that divide and words that stir up anger, but even though we have the power to say such things, the Spirit-filled person speaks carefully and lovingly and precisely even when the words are difficult.