“Many people believe that all religions are essentially the same and only superficially different. But no, the opposite is true: Christianity is essentially different and only superficially the same.”
Erwin Lutzer
As I’ve prepared to write this Christmas season, I’ve read a few articles written by those who attempt to diminish the truth of the Gospel by comparing the births of other famous people to the birth of Christ. Some say that Plato, Alexander the Great, Buddha, and some Egyptian gods were born of virginity.
In the article by Lutzer he makes a couple of important points to illustrate the point that “Christianity is essentially different and only superficially the same.”
- First, we should point out that, in all other instances of so-called “miraculous births,” the stories arose after the person became famous; no one predicted their “special birth” years in advance. In the case of Jesus, Isaiah predicted that God would give a sign, a Redeemer would be born from a young woman; Matthew calls her a virgin (1:23 and Isaiah 7:14), and Micah predicts that the Redeemer would be born in Bethlehem (5:2).
- Second, and more importantly, Jesus was virgin-born to protect His sinlessness. To Mary the angel said, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy—the Son of God” (Luke 1:35 ESV).
Prophecy foretold the circumstances of His birth hundreds of years and importantly, Jesus’ birth, life, death and resurrection provided what no one else claimed from the list above. He came to redeem us from our sin, not just point the way to live a good and fulfilling life.
The Christmas child came to save us from ourselves!