And the woman took and spread a covering over the well’s mouth and scattered grain on it, and nothing was known of it.
2 Samuel 17:19
While traveling today, Patrina and I listened to Alistair Begg’s podcast today that centered, at least a bit, on the verse above. When David was on the run from his son, Absalom, the woman above served the king by hiding a couple of spies in a well and covering the well with the covering in the verse above.
Sometimes I think many of us are waiting for the “big thing” God has called us to and as a result, how many of us are still on the sidelines? Maybe we think we have little to offer, have burned too many bridges, or lived in a way that has made us unworthy in some way.
Alistair concluded his sermon this way-
“In the unfolding story of God’s purposes as limited as we might understand it to be, or whether in eternity we will just find that it was fine for us to be the female servant. It was fine for us to be the man who had a house with a well. It was fine for us to be a young boy from Cleveland, to be a little girl from Israel. I have a maker. He formed my heart. Before even time began, my life was in his hands. He knows my name. He knows my every thought.”
Alistair Begg
Each one of us has a role to fill, a task to accomplish for the good of God’s kingdom. I am reminded of the story of Corie Ten Boom and her family who risked their lives to save the lives of Jews during World War II. They didn’t know the significance of what they were doing at the time, but they knew that doing the right thing is to honor God with their lives.