The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
Matthew 13:44
Over the weekend Patrina and I watched a series where one of the characters was patterned after one of my favorite summer blockbuster movies -Raiders of the Lost Ark. It was a fun ride across the world with non-stop adventure and a Hollywood-style spiritual connection of sorts as Indiana Jones and his competitors sought the missing Ark of the Covenant.
Why do we (I) enjoy such movies? Whether it’s the Ark of the Covenant, a secret message written on the back of the original U.S. Constitution, or a forbidden wardrobe that leads to the land of Narnia, these stories capture our child-like imagination and the search for something meaningful in our lives.
But this kind of adventure is not reserved only for the lives of movie characters. In the verse above we read of a man who found a hidden treasure in a field. He realized the great value and sold all he had to buy that very field.
God’s map for our lives is found in the words of Scripture. And “X” marks the spot of salvation and life lived to the full (John 10:10). The problem is, that we often play it safe when we should act.
One of the things I admire most about the character of Indiana Jones is his all out commitment to his quest.
You’ve discovered the treasure hidden in the field. Are you (we) willing to take the next step?