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Facing the Trial

by | Aug 2, 2011 | Focus on Living | 0 comments

Everyone has times When Life is Hard. Everyone of us has a story.  Some of us are experiencing it now.When the days are the darkest, you need God’s reassuring promise from Job 23:10:”But He knows the way I take; When He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold.”What is a Trial?

If you’re one of God’s children, you’re going through a trial right now. It’s the most difficult aspect of your life today: Is it physical? Is it relational? Is it economic? Is it emotional? Is it circumstantial? God said to expect trials. He also promises to be with you in them-working in you, helping you, and growing you. The trials that God has allowed are changing your conduct and refining your character.

Don’t allow bitterness, unbelief or discouragement to rob you of the treasure God is refining in you. You will find that God has not abandoned you. He is watching you closely, monitoring your situation and offering His strength when yours is gone.

Your life is about displaying the superiority of the life lived in God.  That’s why Christians get cancer.  That’s why Christian business men and women have bankruptcies.  The sons of the kingdom handle things differently than the sons of this world.  Go to talk to a doctor and ask him about the difference between a heartbroken parent in the hospital without Christ and a heartbroken parent in the hospital with Christ.  And right there-in that moment-that’s your chance to shine the light of the Gospel and to display the superiority of the life lived in God.

James MacDonald

As we all move forward in our walk, I think this is a timely teaching for most of us.


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