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No Clever Schemes

Skeptics are everywhere. From the early days of the church some have questioned the authority of God’s Word.  Not much is different today. In his second epistle Peter wrote: “For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power...

Think Different

So now we’ve made a decision to surrender completely to God. What does it mean in my daily life? Years ago, Apple computer ran an advertising campaign built around the idea that it is okay to “Think Different.” While the people at Apple and the world...

God, Government and You

Tonight I spoke with a physician who has two sons attending two very different schools.  The older son attends a school where any talk of God could cause trouble, while the younger son attends a private school in the Cleveland area where prayer to God is encouraged...

Here’s Some Hope

In a time of desperation for the people of Israel, Jeremiah wrote these words of hope.  Take a minute and read the scripture: 21 But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: 22 The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; 23...

Overcoming Evil

When asked about the importance of the Law, Jesus summed up the commandments with two basic perspectives.  Love God.  Love Others. Some of the “others” in our lives include those individuals who intend to harm us.  Both Jesus and Paul tell us to love our...

Doing it Their Way

As he began chapter nine, Paul is still referring to his Jewish brothers in Chapter 10, as a group of people who are zealous about their religion, but they’ve missed the relationship with God because they refused to surrender to God through Christ. On a winter...