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Knowing God

Do you know Me well enough to trust Me?   The more I know and experience with God, the more I should trust Him, but why do I find myself struggling on my trying to live on my own terms? I keep coming back to the main point of today’s study -A Broken Spirit is a...

A Front Row Seat

Who has made the most impact on your life as a follower of Christ? As I write this today I am thinking about my parents and the lives they led before us.  By “us” I write as as the oldest son of three children who had a front row seat to see if the...

You’re kidding me…

This weekend I was asked about what Jesus meant in Matthew 7:6 – Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you. ” My response included the tendency we have to continue to...

Three Little Words

I Love You. A couple of weeks ago I heard a pastor in Washington, D.C. refer to love as an “accordion word”.  I love strawberries.  I love a good book.  I love my wife.  I love my family. The problem is that our english word for love often misses the...


As I write, people across Egypt and the Middle East are celebrating freedom.  How will turn out in the end?  I am more than a little skeptical about what mankind defines freedom and justice because Christ announced that we will only know true freedom when we know the...