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Can you remember a time when you were caught in a rainstorm and the downpour soaked you so completely that the water saturated your clothing from head to toe? According to my dictionary soaked means to be completely saturated or drenched with water or another liquid. ...

In the Game

After the weekends in Cincinnati many people who either sit at home or in the stands, have plenty to say about what happened to the Bengals again this week. If you listen to the radio or watch even a little cable news you’ll hear a lot of voices discussing the...

Tragedy to Horror

I heard about this heartbreaking story earlier this week.  This is the Cincinnati Enquirer’s report: “A woman died of injuries suffered in the crash of a car driven by her 16-year-old daughter two years ago, but the tragedy turned into a horror story after...

Street Signs and Mercy

Think about the signs you see along the streets – Do Not Enter, One-Way, No U-turn, Speed Limit.  These signs are posted to make us aware of the proper way to drive our car. What is their purpose?  The signs simply work to make us aware of our condition, so that...

What’s the Difference?

When I saw the cover of this week’s TIME I was reminded of some of the stories friends who live overseas have told regarding the harsh treatment and overall low view of women by some of the extreme followers of Islam. The young woman – 18 years old –...