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Overcoming that boxed in feeling

Overcoming that boxed in feeling

We don’t hear the term often anymore, but what comes to mind when you read the word “besetting?” The dictionary defines the verb beset as to surround and harass; assail on all sides. Most often I’ve heard the adjective besetting to describe a...
Overcoming that boxed in feeling

Beware the snare

A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone, be able to teach, and be patient with difficult people. Gently instruct those who oppose the truth. Perhaps God will change those people’s hearts, and they will learn the truth. Then they will come...
Overcoming that boxed in feeling

Slightly or Deeply?

And when all these things come upon you, the blessing and the curse, which I have set before you, and you call them to mind among all the nations where the LORD your God has driven you, and return to the LORD your God, you and your children, and obey his voice in all...
Overcoming that boxed in feeling

Once and daily

And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. Luke 9:23 Why did God provide His plan of redemption for us? No matter how “good” we live, no matter how moral we may be, we can not save...
Overcoming that boxed in feeling

Clarity and a clean slate

“But when he came to himself, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have more than enough bread, but I perish here with hunger! I will arise and go to my father, and I will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. I am no...
Overcoming that boxed in feeling

Godly sorrow and no regrets

For no one can ever be made right with God by doing what the law commands. The law simply shows us how sinful we are. Romans 3:20 One of the greatest challenges faces the Church and followers of Christ is a dependence on the Scripture. One of the ways churches move...